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Projekt 421-440

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Nedanstående rapporter utgör eller grundar sig på den slutredovisning som inlämnats till Föreningen Skogsträdsförädling. I många fall har resultaten dessutom, i olika former, publicerats i diverse vetenskapliga tidskrifter.

423  Kan vi använda resistograf och pilodyn som tidiga urvalsverktyg i tallförädlingsprogrammet?  

Ainhoa Calleja-Rodriguez, Henrik Hallingbäck, Torgny Persson, Sara Abrahamsson, Rosario García-Gil. Skogforsk (2020)

The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether indirect measurements of density in Scots pine standing trees with mechanical resistance devices were stable under different temperature and relative humidity conditions. The results of the study showed that the tool is robust, and data are highly correlated despite the differences in weather conditions and settings used to measure (feed rate and resistance values). However, it was also observed that the postprocessing of the data (detrending of profiles) should be carefully done, since not all trends captured by the tool are linear as previously reported in the literature.

In summary, the pilot project have shown that the tool is stable to indirectly measure relative wood density, therefore it can be used regularly to evaluate progeny and provenance tests, studies of genotype-by-environment interactions, genetic parameter estimations and all possible evaluations within the Scots pine breeding program.


432 Study trip to New Zealand and Australia

Författare: Harry Wu m fl. SLU (2020)

The UPSC industrial research school was on a tree breeding tour in Australia and New Zealand from 7th to 22nd of February, 2020.

Five PhD students and two PIs of the UPSC Research School of Forest Genetics, Biotechnology and Breeding visited different forest research organisations and forest companies in New Zealand and Australia. On their two week long trip they got an overview over the Australian forestry sector, and insights into national breeding and seed preservation programs. This was the third time the research school was organising an international excursion. Unfortunately, the additional visit to forestry sites in China had to be cancelled due to the start of the Corona pandemic.

In New Zealand, the members of the research school visited two institutions – Scion and Timberlands limited. The government owned institute Scion is located in Rotorua and is specialised in research, science and technology development for forest industry. Beside breeding programs, the group got insights into other research activities. Some of those clearly remembered of research conducted at UPSC, like whole genome sequencing of radiata pine, research on somatic embryogenesis or forest pathology.