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KF 41 Askskottsjukan – Selektionsstabilitet över tiden

Författare: Lars-Göran Stener, Skogforsk (2017)

Många askar angrips idag av den mycket aggressiva askskottsjukan (Hymenoscyhus fraxineus). Den har sedan mitten av 1990-talet spridits till i princip hela Europa. Både unga o gamla träd drabbas. Hela bestånd har infekterats och dött snabbt. Asken i Sverige ingår nu i rödlistan över hotade arter. En studie av olika kloners resistens mot askskottsjukan genomfördes under perioden 2006 – 2011 i två askfröplantager i Skåne. De 5 bästa av totalt 107 kloner selekterades för att användas som föräldrar till en ny generation av askar för urval av bättre individer. I denna nya studie gjordes under 2016 en ny inventering för att följa upp de tidigare resultaten och för att verifiera att de utvalda klonerna fortfarande är vitala.

Det viktigaste resultatet är att det genetiska inflytandet verkar vara stabilt över tiden, d v s de kloner med minst skador vid den första inventeringen 2006 tillhör fortfarande, efter 10 års ytterligare högt infektionstryck, de allra bästa och vice versa. Studien bekräftar också tidigare resultat att askskottsjukan 1) är starkt genetiskt kontrollerad, 2) att det finns en stor genetisk variation och 3) att ingen individ är helt opåverkad men det finns några få individer med relativt sett lite skador.

Utifrån de träd som levde vid respektive inventeringstillfälle, kunde ingen generell trend i askskottsjukans utveckling över de senaste 10 åren påvisas. Andelen träd som hade dött/avlägsnats var dock påtaglig (7 – 8 % per år), men detta resultat har kraftigt påverkats av andra orsaker än askskottsjukan t ex viltskador och sanitära gallringar.

Resultaten visar att man via traditionell förädling kan få fram mer resistenta askar framöver. Det är dock ett drygt och kostsamt arbete, eftersom enbart en liten andel av alla askar uppvisar en partiell motståndskraft mot askskottsjukan. Framtida satsningar skulle kunna effektiviseras genom gemensamma aktiviteter i de olika länderna i norra Europa.

The common ash (Fraxinus excelsior) is today dying all over Europe due to the dieback damage (Hymenoscyhus fraxineus). Both young and old trees are affected and whole stands have been infected and died rapidly. Ash is now classified as “endangered” on the so called “Red List” that provides information about endangered species in Sweden. Studies of clonal resistance against the dieback disease were performed in two ash seed orchards in Skåne during 2006 – 2011. The 5 best of totally 107 tested clones were selected to be used as parents for further breeding. In this study, a new inventory was carried out in 2016, to follow up the previous results and to verify whether the selected clones still were vital.

The most important result is that the clonal response for dieback damage was was stable over the 10-year long period, I e the least susceptible clones selected in 2006, still belong to the healthiest ones after another 10 years of heavy infection pressure. The study also verifies previous dieback results of 1) high genetic control, 2) high genotypic variation and 3) with only a few individuals being at least partly resistant.

There were no clear trends in the development of damage over time for trees being alive at each inventory occasion. However, the proportion of trees that died/disappeared was substantial (7 – 8 % per year), but this has been influenced by other factors than the dieback damage, such as wild game and sanitary cuttings.

Altogether, the results are promising for initiating breeding programs to improve the die-back resistance. However, it is a heavy and costly task, since only a very small proportion of the ash trees are partially resistant to dieback disease. Thus, a joint breeding program involving all the northern European countries is justified.

KF 42 Improvement of forest reproductive materials for ash: selection and testing resistance against ash dieback

Författare: Michelle Cleary, SLU och Lars-Göran Stener, Skogforsk (2017)

Popular Scientific Summary
Ash dieback is currently threatening the survival of common ash (Fraxinus exclesior) throughout most of Europe. Studies from Sweden and other countries suggest a strong genetic, heritable component in the host population for resistance against the disease, and that considerable gain can be achieved through selection and breeding. The situation however, is an urgent matter: since 2010 ash has been on the Swedish Red-List and since 2015 its status has worsened to become ’critically endangered’ considered to be at risk of extinction in the wild. Initial work during the years 2013-2015 generated a large inventory of putatively resistant genotypes (showing high levels of natural resistance to the pathogen) across the whole range of the distribution area in Sweden. During 2016-2017, we established two field trials at Snogeholm using propagated selections of wild genotypes to screen for, and characterize, the resistance. The proposed projects in this application aim to screen additional test populations. This work is a criticial first step to enable targeted genotypes to be selected for further commercial propagation, breeding and possible future establishment of new seed orchards.